"i wanna be a cowboy baby"
2003-05-04 7:58 p.m.

my lips are bright pink and so incredibly chapped that i am actually unable to purge. or at least unable to tolerate the pain of vomiting with lips as these. the addition of color to my face is nature's own little makeover. and i have to say, i like the look.

after about ten hours, we finished the fifty miles, being judged "fit to continue". the ride consisted of three loops: the first from washoe valley up east of carson city and back, the second one farther north in the same direction, and the third looped near washoe lake. the first two loops were nothing but climbs and descents, marked by light snow at the peaks and rocks everywhere else. the last loop was deep sand.

the wind blew us everywhere. i love you nevada. and i love that your side of the sierras covered itself with ten feet of snow when it usually only has ten inches this time of year. my darling, it made you look smashing. even my horse couldn't take its eyes off of you. how endearing is that? my horse loves vista points.

and i love you nevada. i have a lovely etched beer glass to prove it. now if i could just learn to appreciate beer... and tire chains. and helpless truckers who swallow enough pride to ask me for help in tire chain removal at three in the morning along interstate 80. chains for big rigs are motherfucking, and i think i might want to be a trucker when i grow up.

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