the green part. and then the beer part.
2017-06-02 9:14 p.m.

so this always fucking happens. the minute some person with a penis is unavailable to me, i kind of like them too much. its a sickness.

hung out with much too nice mike tonight, and its just what happens. after three years of offering to show me how to use my guns, he is going to show me at the shooting range tomorrow. how to pop a glock. because it seems like a good time to learn. the crazy thing about mike is that people think he is just joe blow painter in dirty pants, but his net worth is probably about 3 million. and he is generous and people take advantage of this. i can say this even if they are very close friends. i hate women that let men "spoil" them. its such a fucking double standard. i hate women that insist on whatever feminist feeling they have, but then also want to be treated to dinner and so on. it sickens me to see a friend of mine do this.

lots of things be sickening me tonight!

i'm nauseous from eating chicken. i don't talk about vegetarianism a lot. its a personal thing. i don't want to be that annoying friend. at the same time, i freak out when it comes to anemia. i don't even know if chicken helps, but i want to run tomorrow and not collapse. so sick.

i think i am going to go to ireland. mike has always wanted to go, and now i have money to go. i am trying to convince mike to sell one of his many houses. neither of us have kids, so why hold on to the money? your last dollar should be spent on your last day. as long as you don't use it to buy chicken breast.

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