hola. me llamo dramathighs. y tu?
2002-08-08 4:00 p.m.

sigh. summer happens.

hi. i'm a new diary. liary. actually liary was my first diary name choice, but it was taken. so i tried americanthighs, because my thighs are truly american. but it was many letters. pallmallbearer was my third choice, and again, too long. and too retarded because i don't even smoke pall malls, i smoke kools. because of the penguin. that is no longer present on the kools packages or filters. but i remember when it was, back in the day.

sometimes i think about trying to bring the penguin back. organizing a petition or taking some other form of action commonly utilized by high student groups. because. real forms of action are downright scary. and should be left to hardcore protesters like anti-abortionists and soccer moms. yes. i just happen to like penguins.

so this diary is going to be way better than my old diary which was just an emo embarrassment. and a literary humiliation. this one has much lower aspirations so that it can't fall from mediocre heights quite as often as the last did. and i'm pretty sure the layout will change in the future as i will hopefully swipe a really cool template from somebody who makes their templates swipable. i'm thinking about this one emu template. because the last time i went to the zoo, this lady and her daughter were looking at the emus and the lady kept saying, "look at the ostrich." and then the girl would repeat her and say to the emu's face, "ostrich!" and i was just like um what the hell. people should always read the signs at the zoo because i think the world needs to know about emus. emus speak the deeply layered truth to us and we're not even listening.

but all that has to wait cause even though i feel really sick, i'm going to see superdrag tonight. and i'm going to be the superdraggiest there. but i'm going to hear me some music, i am. and dance something fierce. amen.

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