"who sucked out the feeling?"
2002-08-09 10:34 a.m.

yea so. went to see superdrag. but didn't see em.


we mosey outside in between opening acts. for a smoke and a sit. sit and be fit, basically. and i look like crap because i'm wearing dirty jeans and a calgary stampeeede shirt which would be radical if the neckhole wasn't all stretched out like pamela lee's pooney is. so we're sitting on the curb and i'm playing with the dead leaves and decomposing bits of rubbish that are laying there because i'm already dirty and i'm way too punk rock for anything on this earth. when i see a scurrying. then the pile of dead leaves and rubbish starts moving every so often, so i look and there's a huge monster roach settling himself around.

and i'm not the biggest roach fan so we move away from the curb and therrrrrreeeeee. it becomes apparent that one of us has sat on aforementioned roach's greco roman wrestling twin brother. and it was all over one of our asses. and even though it looked as though it had been deceased for some time, we had to leave, basically. without seeing superdrag.

okay maybe its silly but you don't understand the mammothness of the bug. it was part of the axis of evil. but i would like to add that if it had been all over my ass, i would have thought it was pretty punk rock. and i would have stayedddd. so NEEEEENERRRR TO YOU IF IT HAPPENED TO HAVE BEEN ON YOUR ASS.

besides modest mouse is tonight so that makes it all okay.

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