"the books he was to borrow he would surely never read"
2002-12-21 3:32 p.m.

guess who got a brand spanking new library card?

i went a little psycho in the granite bay branch because granite bay is where all the sacramento kings live, meaning its a most ritzy community in the sacramento area, and therefore it has a most excellent selection of material available. so i decided i would gather a miniature library to take home for the long trial that is commonly referred to as the holidays. here is a small sampling of what i checked out:

** murder in greenwich -- mark fuhrman. because i'm a dork and hate literature.
** the complete short stories of ernest hemingway - because i'm trying to branch out of dorkdome. and because it listed "a clean, well-lighted place" in the contents, which i haven't read in far too many years. and because it also listed "the sea change" and made me think about whether beck stole the title, because if he did, i'd like to see if he stole appropriately.
** female fitness on foot: walking, jogging, running, orienteering -- bob o'connor. i don't really know anything about orienteering, except now i've learned that the long distance type of score orienteering is called rogaine. ...good to know.
** savage beauty: the life of edna st. vincent millay - nancy milford. because i have a crush. apparently nancy milford was also the biographer of zelda fitzgerald. i just kind of wonder whether nancy gets all hot and bothered by flapper ladies, too.
** journals - kurt cobain. okay i've fought with myself plenty over whether or not i (or anybody) should read this. and i decided that i didn't know the kid, and he's dead now. so i'm going to read it. "it" being this checked out copy, which my reading of will not in anyway enhance courtney love's bank account.
** heavier than heaven: a biography of kurt cobain - charles r. cross. yea, i got trapped in the biography section.

i also got some books on tapeeee. in case i'm too lazy to turn pages while i'm sitting. i got "the importance of being earnest" on compact fucking disc! take that mr. wilde. and on cassette, "i was amelia earhart". i also got wilco's album "a.m.". yes wilco, at your local library.

so that was my day. i think i pick out ten thousand items as a time because i never know what mood i'll be in when i sit down to read. so i can return all but one book unread, and today's trip will still have been a purposeful one. hooray.

really, its just that i have too long to be alone in my old bedroom. tony paulson encouraged me to pursue the outpatient program once by saying, "because one day, all your life will be is you, alone in your room, with your eating disorder." empty promises, though. because life can still be interesting with mark fuhrman and kurt cobain here with me. and also little dog walter. and the sunbeam alarm clock my grandfather used to use when he was alive. i'm really glad he's not alive anymore because i'm pretty sure he'd be disappointed out of his gourd.

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