"you say its your birthday"
2002-12-19 6:38 a.m.

today, my sister is walking around with a four day old person inside of her body. if the baby doesn't arrive by a week from friday, they'll induce. still, a week and a half seems a long time to house another human being who should be grown enough to exist on its own.

i say human being because megan and jerry have stopped referring to the child as a girl. they've even picked out a boy's name in addition to "angela marie". they chose "steven jacob", but plan on using "jack". don't ask me why steve or jake wouldn't cut it. at any rate, i think all this is just a precaution, in case the doctors have gotten the sex wrong. doctors have been known to ass suck everywhere.

i saw sonny cline again yesterday. three appointments and he finally cleared me medically for outpatient treatment. and also managed to offend me grossly. first offense: he didn't even ask me half of the medical questions that the clearance required. he didn't even check my orthostatics, but marked off that i wasn't. sonny cline, for your information, there are reasons they ask specific questions, you know. asssucker.

second offense: he asked, "are you below 80% of normal weight for your height?" my response was "um." then he quickly jumped in, "no, i don't think you are."

okay the second offense seems almost silly, unless you take into account that sonny cline has never looked at my height or my weight. so he was assessing me visually. all i can gather is that i must simply look fat. because i've checked and calculated over and over, on various height and weight charts. i meet the 80% requirement. barely, but i do. so his stupid statement just confirms that i'm a monster of fatness. i'm broken hearted.

diaries are very cathartic, no?

sigh. a short piece of musical commentary inspired by the last half hour of m2 programming:

i think that the used and the donnas tied for biggest posers of 2002, with the vines receiving an honorable mention. it is a sad day in music history when i would rather listen to missy elliott's new song than rock and roll (if their songs can legitimately be called that). boo to you all.

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