"a three day debate on a high-rise estate, what's at the back of your mind?"
2004-02-03 8:21 p.m.

the new apartment is, if i may say so, spectacular, spectacular.

i can watch the sunrise over grizzly peak, which is a fancy way of saying i can see pretty things from my balcony that is actually a forth floor patio, i suppose. there are ways of positioning chairs so that the view of the bay bridge is only partly obstructed, and if i lean very far over the rusted based railing, i can see the golden gate.

they finally let me back in. me and richard gere. yea, that's right. my diary has come alive again in order to report richard gere's close proximity to me during a philosophy of language lecture. it was a diagonal placing. he was roughly seven feet diagonally backwards from my left. i did a lot of hair flipping and bra adjusting during the description of the illocutionary taxonomy. whatever the hell that is.

from my balcony that is really a patio i can catch a wallet, watch for the delivery guy, jump to my death, and grow lots of plants. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

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