what jake knows
2004-02-22 7:53 p.m.

last night i dreamt i met an artist in an airport during a time of national tragedy. i don't remember any artistic details about the dream except that he was an artist on all accounts, a brilliant puppeteer, architect, sculptor, many years my senior with a sincerity whose surface i'd never scratch due to the fact that i am a big old fakeface.

i've been trying to figure out how i might rationally justify eating and not eating the way i do. i think my best bet is to go with hume and claim that its simply a passion, and as such, isn't the kind of thing that can be subjected to reason. it would be a lot easier if i bought hume's argument. if i bought any argument at all, things would be a lot easier. philosophy brings out the skeptic in you and then you're just stuck with it because its a good strategy for any game.

anyway so the artist was adorable in a michael stipe kind of way. bold features and smiles in all forms. and somehow, he was my mentor, four hours before he went missing and was found dead weeks later. st patricks day clouded the funeral and made us out to be alcoholics when really we were just thirsty and so quiet. probably the way most alcoholics come about who they are.

today was so awesomely boring. i colored on lots of cds to be sold at good mornings shows, and bought some new red pony shoes. they're like the first shoes i've bought in two years. but even so, i didn't really need new ones.

i'm glad nader decided to run.

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