open yourself up to the asphalt
2017-05-31 10:04 p.m.

my toes are torn up again from walking across town in cheap shoes. twice today.

after i'd gotten to work, daph texted me to walk at lunch, so i didn't really plan to walk so much in these shoes. i wanted to streak june, and i'm worried that blisters may put the kabosh on this from the get go.

talking with her was both wonderful and uncomfortable. i'm wary of everything, and i left with no understanding of what this was - is. as if she didn't just stop talking to me for four years, but maybe just four days. i tried to broach the subject a couple of times, but no efforts to segue into "what on earth happened" were taken up. it dawned on me that i talk about difficult subjects too freely, and people don't like that. i should knock that off.

i didn't have a lot to say about the last four years. i didn't want to speak about anything running related and mostly talked about work and moving. she talked a lot about concerts and travel. it was easy to fall into friendship again, and do things like offer to loan her hiking poles or start sentences about summer plans with the words "we should..." i caught myself a few times.

i have no idea if we will ever talk again really. it was nice though.

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