dogs and beer and track and trails
2017-06-25 10:34 a.m.

western states weekend again. i volunteered at dusty corners and got to gab with friends, watch runners come through, spray sunscreen on hot sweaty foreigners and locals alike. i met francisco at placer high to watch jim walmsley break the record, although he did not... the record was not broken, but rather exceeded by more than 75 minutes. so it was a long night of beers and taco tree and rosie the pup and being belligerent egged on by beautiful lesbians. there is nothing quite like warm summer nights after the sun goes down. certainly, much better to be playing than running. those kind of nights are such an exception to my normal life. i don't know why i can be that kind of free with some people, and but feel a crippling anxiety around others.

this morning i ran good clip around town before drinking a bit, picking magnolia flowers, and boiling them on the stove just to sense the smell. i think the smell was nice, but i'm not sure how long it will last. the petals turned a nice soft coral pink. the kind of pink that should have its own nail polish.

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