"do you remember the time i knew a girl from mars?"
2002-09-09 7:35 p.m.

i'm a mess. two weeks into the semester and i'm a mess. yeehaw.

coldplay was nice. coldplay put on the poppiest of pop shows in which an enormous grouping of college aged girls sang along, waved arms, etc. but it was neat. the greek theater is really just beautiful. and i got the drummer's autograph. because he was there spinning records, basically. after some coaxing from ben, i walked up to him, held out my ticket stubs, and said, "um, so i have this eyeliner." he graciously accepted the eyeliner pencil and signed.

that was a nice highlight of my weekend. um. a lowlight... i figured out that even if i ace all my classes from here on out, the highest my gpa will be at graduation is 3.6. because i flunked calculus. walter alvarez, of one friends episode mentioning fame (ross issss a paleontologist, you know), didn't seem to understand that when i said i think i'm going to fail it, i meant that i hadn't been going to class for some few weeks and that i was hoping he'd drop me from it. i retook all calculus later at another college, but the capitalized F is still on my transcript here. sucks. i'm never going to get into law school. which is a good thing because if i got in, i'd just flunk out anyway. or i'd start tripping and falling down more often. i fall down a lot.

back to highlights. my dad told me that his girlfriend um. barbara? i think barbara. asked why i was so skinny and frail. i was happy, but its a bad assessment because i'm positively opposite of frail. i am. in fact if you arrange the letters of my name around you'll get crag mannish. yes. you will. that's me, crag. i roll with my homies.

lowlight. haven't heard from micah. at all. i have absolutely no idea what he's doing. i'm practically spent on it, and i don't know how much longer i can go on feeling this way. did i mention i'm a mess these days?

highlight. i'm getting cable. basic cable. to further erase my mind. except, instead of doing away with it by watching fuzzy episodes of the nanny in spanish, i'm going to watch lots of clear local news in spanish. i basically like spanish a lot these days.

lowlight. crazy woman molested me at the store today. it happened over pineapple. she was in a store scooter. one of those riding shopping carts that carry you around the store. i think she had gout and that it didn't go well with pineapple or something. she kept telling me what was wrong with her but without ever really telling me. like she needed a lot of albumin because if she didn't have enough she'd sleep for 23 hours. if you don't know, as i didn't before today, albumin is a water soluble protein. you can get it in egg whites. she had a lot of eggs. i kept managing to almost leave and she'd say, out of nowhere, "there was something i wanted to tell you." first she wanted to tell me that she had an iq of 163 but couldn't tell whether the moon was waxing or waning because she was so sick. then she wanted to tell me that most strangulation victims are found with skin under their finger nails. she also told me to tell other people this particular way to free yourself from a strangler. but i really shouldn't post it here because she said not to tell men about it. that there is a man who might use it. it sounded like a particular man by her wording. but it could be all men so i want to be wary. she also said i could use the same technique should i be attacked by a shark. but that i wouldn't be attacked by a shark because i don't have an ounce of fat on me. apparently sharks and men have different tastes. not that men attack me, but if i was thin, they actually might. but only if i also took up deodorizing with deodorant. sharks also have electric noses, and men don't.

its kind of funny to hear somebody say you're unfat when you're standing with your dinner for the night, consisting of 12 cinnamon rolls, 5 cookies, and a can of pineapple. shame. grow up already. some sociopath telling me i'm thin isn't a reason to walk on air. what it is.. is fucking pathetic, that's what it is.

high light. my appointments were rescheduled. i go on thursday and ben has offered to go with me. fag me. i think that's really nice.

i keep sneezing, but i don't see any difference on the scale. so i'm going to quit sneezing until thursday. we'll see how it goes.

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